Journey settings

Settings Overview

There are four different settings to consider when setting up a journey:

  • Sequence vs. non-sequence
  • Notification channel
  • Individual vs. cohort
  • Repeating vs. non-repeating

Sequence vs. non-sequence

There are two types of journeys on Zavvy: sequential and non-sequential journeys. Sequential journeys allow you to create steps that are sent in a customizable sequence of days, whereas non-sequential journeys are more like a handbook full of content sent all at once.

For Onboarding we recommend sequential journeys. You can adjust this on the Journey Builder > Settings tab.

Notification Channel

Here you can define which notification channel you want the journey to be delivered through. Currently, we have integrations to Slack and MS Teams. But you can also use email.

🚨 You need to set up an integration with Slack or MS Teams first to use these options.

Cohort Journeys

  • ON: Cohort journeys start at a fixed time and everyone you assign receives it together. People you assign later join where the current cohort is.
  • OFF: Individual journeys start for every assignee individually.

🚨 Currently, we only recommend using cohorts with Slack. Once you assign the cohort, we will create a channel in Slack together with all new hires to spark some extra engagement and connection. ✨ If you use MS Teams or E-Mail, your new hires will get messages separately, so they can’t really tell the difference.


Repeating Journeys

Repeating journeys will repeat over and over again in an interval you specify.