Getting started with Feedback

With Zavvy you can run the feedback system of your dreams to assess leadership, performance, and career progression. Create action-oriented results that inspire action and targeted growth.


Terminology Definition
Feedback cycle The whole feedback cycle with all phases of nominating peers, writing feedback, calibrating and sharing feedback
Reviewee The person who receives all the feedback.
Reviewer The person who reviews the reviewee. Depending on the feedback type this can be:
  • a peer in case of peer review
  • the manager in case of downward feedback
  • the direct report in case of upward feedback
  • the reviewee themself in case of a self-review

Feedback Types

Feedback Types Description
Self Review Reviewee writes a self-review, i.e., gives feedback to self
Peer feedback Reviewee receives feedback from peers
Downward feedback Reviewee receives feedback from manager
Upward feedback Reviewee receives feedback from direct reports