Creating your leveling framework and career paths on Zavvy
In this article, you'll learn how you can create your company's entire career framework including your leveling framework (e.g., Individual Contributor vs. People Manager) and all career paths.
Set up your leveling framework
As a first step, you'll need to set up your company-wide leveling frameworks (and job positions). Follow the steps in the video below.
Creating career paths
As a second step, you'll add your career paths and competency descriptions. You need to do that for every role in your company. Watch the video below on how it works.
Create from Templates
The easiest way to create career paths is by using our templates. Head to Career > Templates > Career Frameworks or head to the templates directly and find templates that fit your company and company size.
Create using Zavvy AI
Creating entire career paths with AI
Boost your creation speed by 10x by creating entire career paths with AI. Head to Zavvy, hit "Ask Zavvy AI" and select career path, and sit back and watch Zavvy create a great draft for you.
Creating and adjusting competency descriptions with AI
Regardless of whether you start off from templates or on your own, you can always use Zavvy AI to help you create your career paths faster. Just enter “/” and ask Zavvy AI to either
- write competency-level descriptions for you
- anything else