When setting up your review, you can define the overall timeline for the review process, including individual deadlines for the individual steps. For the count of days, we take calendar days into consideration, not working days.
The Phases
Depending on your settings you might have different phases:
Peer selection phase: Only if you include a peer review
Writing phase: Every review will have a writing phase
Sharing & discussion phase: Only if you let managers decide when to share the feedback, otherwise all feedback will be shared immediately
Calibration phase: Only if you let managers calibrate scores (Note, this is only possible if feedback is not shared immediately)
Every phase has its own deadlines
Peer Selection
Day until when reviewees have to nominate peers and have them approved. Consists of two deadlines:
Peer nomination deadline: reviewees nominate the peers they want to receive feedback from
Peer approval deadline: Nominated peers need to be approved by the manager. If the peers are not approved by the deadline, they'll be automatically approved.
Alternatively, you can also let managers nominate peers.
Day until when people have to submit their reviews. You can set up two different deadlines:
Submission of self-, upward-, and peer review Submission of downward feedback.
By giving managers more time to write downward feedback, they have a chance to review the feedback given by others (self, peer, and upward) and inform their own feedback from it.
Day until which managers need to calibrate their scores.
Sharing & Discussion
Day until which managers need to share feedback with the reviewee.